Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Lesson Plan by AH

Lesson Title:  A Week of Warmups
Activate Interest and Knowledge of Fire Ecology Through Art Based Warmups

1.     Fire in Art History
2.     Fire and Form
3.     Fire and Loss
4.     Fire and Resilience
5.     Fire Renewal and Inspiration

Grade:  6th/7th/8th
Subject:  Visual Arts
Description:  Using art based warmups will assist students in activating higher order thinking skills when working with fire ecology curriculum.  Students will consider human connection to fire and the results of fire.

Student Friendly Objectives:
I will learn how people respond to fire and think about how I feel about fire.

Professional Objective:
Students will investigate the connection between fire and human nature through completion of five, daily, warmups.
8th Grade: Standard 1. Observe and Learn to Comprehend
Prepared Graduates:
·       Recognize, articulate, and debate that the visual arts are a means for expression
·       Transfer the value of visual arts to lifelong learning and the human experience
Concepts and skills students master:
                  2.  The history of art, world cultures and artistic styles influence contemporary art concerns
Evidence Outcomes:
a.     Incorporate personal life experiences through aesthetic responses to works of art (DOK 3-4)
b.      Justify, and infer how art often is defined by its originality (DOK 3)
c.      Interpret changes in meaning over time in the perception of a familiar work of art (DOK 3-4)
d.     Investigate and discuss how social and political environments influence an artist's creative process in making a work of art (DOK 1-3)
e.     Examine and discuss the reasons to respect and avoid replication and interpretation of culturally sensitive taboos (DOK 1-3)
7th Grade: Standard 1. Observe and Learn to Comprehend
Prepared Graduates:
·       Explain, demonstrate, and interpret a range of purposes of art and design, recognizing that the making and study of art and design can be approached from a variety of viewpoints, intelligences, and perspectives
·       Recognize, articulate, and debate that the visual arts are a means for expression
·       Analyze, interpret, and make meaning of art and design critically using oral and written discourse
Concepts and skills students master:
                  2. Understanding works of art involves knowledge of historical and cultural styles, genre, and                   artists over time
Evidence Outcomes:
a.     Examine and articulate works of art that communicate significant cultural beliefs or sets of values (DOK 1-3)
b.     Investigate and discuss how exposure to various cultures and styles influences feelings and emotions toward art forms (DOK 1-3)
c.     Interpret and demonstrate how works of art synthesize historical and cultural meaning (DOK 1-4)
6th Grade: Standard 1. Observe and Learn to Comprehend
Prepared Graduates:
·       Recognize, articulate, and debate that the visual arts are a means for expression
Concepts and skills students master:
                  2.  Art created across time and cultures can exhibit stylistic differences and commonalities
Evidence Outcomes:
a.     Describe and discuss the general characteristics of a work of art from various historical periods (DOK 1-3)
b.     Articulate how to be respectful and mindful of culturally sensitive themes. (DOK 1-3)
c.     Compare and contrast works of art from various historical periods and world cultures by their components of style and design (DOK 2-4)
d.     Analyze responses to works of art in terms of historical, cultural, and visual meaning (DOK 2-3)

·       Computer
·       Digital Projector
·       Attached, daily, warmup presentations

Procedure for Teaching:

Day 1: Fire in Art History
Discussion Topics:
·       Depiction of fire throughout art history
·       16th, 17th, 18th, 19th, 20th century examples
Images:  Attached Presentation
1.     Present images
2.     Discuss the presence of fire in art throughout history
3.     Direct students to write three complete sentence explaining why they think that fire intrigues artists
4.     Have students share with their classmates

Day 2: Fire and Form
Discussion Topics:
·       Definition shape
·       Discuss shapes that interest students
·       Discuss different shapes in the forms
Images: Attached Presentation
1.     Present images
2.     Have students transcribe definition of shape
3.     Identify shapes in images
4.     Direct students to brainstorm during presentation of images, coming up with at least 15 descriptive words
Reference Material:
Day 3: Fire and Loss
Discussion Topics:
·       Important objects
·       Comparison of material possessions and valuable experiences
Images: Attached Presentation
1.     Present images
2.     Discuss Pratt Building Fire
3.     Direct students to write a 5 sentences paragraph identifying whether the final product or process of creating art are more important.
Reference Material:
Day 4: Fire and Resilience
Discussion Topics:
·       Response to loss
·       Response to fire
Images: Attached Presentation
1.     Provide students link to article
2.     Direct students to read article
3.     Complete class discussion on how students would react to a similar situation
Reference Material:
Day 5: Fire, Renewal, and Inspiration
Discussion Topics:
·       Inspiration from loss
·       Growth
·       Renewal following suffering
Images: Attached Presentation
1.     View images
2.     Discuss renewal and growth
3.     Direct students to identify three possible art projects that would allow them to demonstrate inspiration following loss
4.     Have student share ideas with class
Reference Material:

Demonstration of Student Learning/Student Product:
·       Written critique and evaluation
·       Participation in classroom discussion

Methods of Instruction:
·       Direct instruction
·       Independent inquiry
·       Peer discussion (1 to 1, small groups)
·       Group critique

Active Engagement Strategies:
·       Technology
·       Digital Images
·       Group work
·       Project Related Music

Assessment:  Students will be assessed based on participation.  If students complete the warmup activities with clear effort and completeness they receive full points for the activity.

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