Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Lesson Plan by KK

Science Fair Project Ideas


“We have been talking about how our science fair project has to be relevant and be able to answer the question “Who cares?” One thing that is relevant to Colorado and other western states right now are fires (or you can brainstorm what the relevant problems in Colorado are right now and wait until you get the answer from one of the students).”

“Why are fires a problem in Colorado? Aren’t they natural?”


“One of the reasons Colorado is having so much trouble is because of the WUI areas (woodland urban interface). We don’t mind if the fire is in an area without housing but we do worry when it gets close to cities and towns.”

“One thing that homeowners do around there houses is that they create a defensible space but mitigating the trees and shrubs close to the house. How could we study that?” Brainstorm. Talk about feasibility of projects and how make them small scale.

Do an activity using matchsticks and metal pans. Look at how fire goes uphill vs downhill.  Put a little house on the area and see if they can make an effective defensible space around the house.


“ What kinds of space did you make around the house? What worked best? What did not work?”

Describe defensible space guidelines according to the US Forestry Service.


“What are some other things about fire that are causing problems or maybe, what are some things about firefighting that could be improved?”

Brainstorm other possible Science Fair ideas and write them on the board.

Have PowerPoint ready that explains healthy vs unhealthy forests, etc. in case there is time.


“Go home and come up with 20 questions or things you could improve. Look around you in the house. Think about Colorado. Think about the US. Think about the world.”

“Ask your parents about what issues they are concerned about. Maybe they can help you brainstorm. These 20 things can do not have to be things you do your project on, we are just brainstorming … that’s all.”

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