Combination Class
Small and Large Group
Background: Follow-up integration of concepts taught in
regular class.
Materials: Scenario cards describing a type of fire
situation, chart paper/white board/chalk board, dance element cards
Exploration: Chalk talk
vocabulary session to build verbs and adjectives around fire triangle, types of
area trees (ponderosa, juniper, aspen, spruce, lodge pole) and their
characteristics, parts of a tree and their roles.
Freeze game: Prompts from vocabulary generated used
as movement cues.
In small groups (3-4), draw from scenario cards and dance elements cards
to dance the story of a forest fire
Creation: Expand on theme from improv session, using larger
groups (6-8) and understanding of what makes a complete dance. (Beg., middle,
Students choose from music options and perform their group pieces.
Evaluation: Dancers who are observing are looking to see if:
they can understand the scenario, if they can identify tree type, if they can
spot bias or message.
Reflection: Quick write in journals about the process and
how they integrated classroom knowledge.
List of questions or concerns about gaps in their understanding.
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