Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Lesson Plan by ML

Physical Education

Objective:  To be able to use GPS units to locate different species of trees on the school grounds.  Students will be able to use the compass mode to navigate different parts of the school campus.
Standard: 1. Movement Competence & Understanding in Physical Education
Standard: 2. Physical and Personal Wellness in Physical Education
Standard: 3. Emotional and Social Wellness in Physical Education
Standard: 4. Prevention and Risk Management in Physical Education

Grade Level: Middle school and High school
Where: School Campus
Estimated time: 1 week (4 days)
                  GPS units
                  Note pad and pencil
Day one:  Students will learn how to plot data onto the units by using Discovery Education GPS unit lesson. 
Day two:  We will then go outside and with a pad and paper and pick different types of trees on campus identify the trees and plot their location.  We will use the Colorado Native Tree Guide to help us identify what trees we have on campus.
Day three:  Students will plot their trees by using the website: www. ARCGIS.com and make a scavenger hunt for their class mates for the final day.
Day four:  Students will exchange GPS points and begin the process of locating the trees and identifying what type of tree they discovered.
This will be an introductory lesson to GPS units which can lead into a variety of physical education lessons in the future.  I can collaborate with the Science teacher when she would be studying tree identifications and possible team teaching.

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