Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Lesson Plan by ML

10th grade Biology:  2-3 week unit in Ecology segment of the semester

A)   Students will take the “Forests of the World Opinionaire” from Activity 1: Making the Global Connection (on PLT website)

B)   Conduct “Fire Feelings” activity from “Yellowstone Fire Ecology Booklet” (presented at 2013  Institute): students analyze various beliefs/ perspectives on fire

Part 2: FIELD STUDIES USING GPS (field trip to appropriate study site)
A)   Data Collection/ Observations:
      1) Have students record observations for a north-facing slope and a south-facing                            slope in regards to:
·      soil composition, temperature, % shade cover
Ø  Discuss nutrient cycling
Ø  Discuss causes and impacts of slope aspect

·      flora and fauna à ID using field guides such as the “Colorado Native Tree Guide” [handed out at 2013 Institute], record data on “Wildlife Inventory Sheets” (see FEI 2013 disc)
Ø  Discuss food chains, relationships between living things (i.e. predator-prey, parasitism, symbiosis)
Ø  Discuss native and invasive species

2) Record GPS data for each location observed (MotionX GPS app for smart phones: $0.99)

      3) If granted permission to investigate a burn site, conduct Hydrophobic Soils Lab            
            provided by UCCS professor Eric Billmeyer

B)    Assessment:
      1) GROUP WORK: Use www.arcgis.com to create a “Trip Story” that maps GPS locations                observed, including attached photos & attributes of each location

      2) INDIVIDUAL WORK:  Compose a conclusion using “constructed sentences”: 
                 “Prior to formal experimentation, I believed that _______ because _________.              After building background knowledge, I know that common tree species in our area             include ______________.  I also know that slope aspect is due to ______________.  I             hypothesized that if ______________, then ____________.  My data shows that slope             aspect influences____________.  Conclusions from this experiment lead me to believe             that slope aspect will influence a wild fire by _____________.”

A)   Introduction:
1)    Science Nation video:  Lord of the Tree Rings (2:29 minutes on youtube)- intro dendrochronology and paleodendroclimatology

B)   Experimentation:
1)    Online activity:  determine relationships between tree ring size and climate data à register on Upper South Platte Service Learning Page: http://learn.uppersouthplatte.org/
2)    “Every Tree for Itself” Activity #27 in Pre K-8th grade Guide:  variables affecting tree growth, competition for resources

3)    “Living with Fire” Activity #81 in Pre K-8th grade Guide:  Fire Triangle demo with candle & jar, WUI experiment investigating flammability of various fuels
·      Homework:  use Risk Meter Wheel (FEI 2013 disc) to assess home fire risk

4)    “Matchstick Forest” Activity (See FEI 2013 disc)

C)   Assessment: 
1)    GROUP WORK:  
·      Create a fire survey to assess the public’s understanding of and sensitivity to fire topics, including WUI, defensible space, & prescribed burning
·      create a collaborative poster documenting results of survey and steps/suggestions for informing public about effectively living with fire

2)    INDIVIDUAL WORK: “Reporting the Blaze” Activity from “Yellowstone Fire Ecology Booklet” (presented at 2013 Institute):  rewrite a fire report in a less negative way when reporting fire impacts

D)   Extension:
1)    “Water Wonders” Activity #44 in Pre K-8th grade guide:  Water cycle “journey” activity & story reflection,  test variables affecting stream flow and run-off using stream tables

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